Friday, July 27, 2018



Over the years, deer have occasionally wandered 
into my kingdom. 
In recent years, however, more of these
massive creatures 
have searched for garden delicacies.

Last year, after two dying oak trees were
 removed from the east side of the property,
sunshine filled this space for the first time in 100 years. 

Not surprisingly, the family gardener saw an opportunity...
The garden site in late March

This past winter, Margaret removed
underbrush and tenacious ground covers,
growing under the oaks for decades,
leveled the ground and added
yards of finished compost.
Then, the perimeter of the fence was set.
Twenty-four two-foot deep holes were dug
 for the 2x2-inch steel uprights.

Batterboards for establishing level

Tom, Greg, Emma and Linda 
preparing to 'Mix' cement.
Our young Hawaiian friend Emma cheerfully accepted
Tom's offer to learn a new skill. Friends Greg and Linda
added their energy and sense of humor.

Emma learns the fine art of mixing, 
compacting and smoothing cement

Custom footings for the gate. Emma
embellished the cement footings with scenes from Hawaii.

Together, Tom and Margaret designed a structure
 to enclose the garden utilizing repurposed
 trellises and sculptures
Tom had created over the years.

John and Tom installing the garden gate
Tom built a rolling gate for easy access into the garden.
Our friend John graciously helped install it.

The gate incorporates a curved piece of steel taken from
Tom's 'Asian Trellis'.
 The glass at the top is from another of Tom's sculptures.
It looks like an eggplant!

Welding the uprights

Waiting for my belly rub
I like to distract Tom from his work.

Linda and Greg helped move the 'Angel Trellis'
The 'Angel Trellis' was cut with the welding torch,
 relocated and re-welded in place
to create the north 'wall' of the fence.
'Angel Trellis' reconstructed

Multiple trellises now provide structure for vertical gardening 
of cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, beans, peas
 and a delicate, white, heirloom climbing rose
 gifted from a friend and fellow gardener.

Aluminum water tanks serve as
elevated mini-gardens for herbs and for starting seeds

Glass panels from the 'Asian Trellis'
Margaret installed a new irrigation system
 and added additional planting space around the structure.

Reconfigured 'Z Trellis' for the south wall

Zucchini plants grow in antique milk cans 

Many thanks to good friends John, Linda, Greg and Emma
 for helping us during the 3-month fence construction!

Swallowtail on zinnia

I now enjoy my daytime catnaps among the squash plants
 while beautiful Swallowtail butterflies and
swift green and bronze hummingbirds fly overhead.

Junior Boy and Tom
My favorite my buddy's lap.

Come visit me in my new garden!
Yours truly,

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